Refund and Return Policy

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– The “Capitalcore” Refund and Return scheme is implemented to reduce the company’s regulatory and monetary liabilities. Since the company uses a variety of payment solutions and payment processing providers to process funds transfers and deposits into customers’ CapitalCore accounts,
– If there have been no trade transactions in the client’s trading account for a specific period since the deposit, the business has the ability to refund the deposit amount to the sender if necessary.
– The customer should be aware that all CapitalCore account deposits and withdrawals can only be made from or to an account or wallet in the customer’s name. To deter third-party transfers, the company has implemented all possible controls. If a third party transfers any funds to the customer’s account in any way, “Capitalcore” will return the funds to the source, less any transaction fees and other costs incurred by the company.


– The Broker reserves the right to refund any funds collected from customers via any payment processor; where applicable, the payout will be made using the same account, card, or e-wallet that the customer used to make the deposit. When making a deposit to a brokerage account with the company, a customer agrees not to ask a bank or a card provider to reverse the funds that are already credited to their trading account before and after using the company’s services without notifying the broker; this will be considered a fraud action against the company.
– In the event that such a chargeback request is received, the company reserves the right to disable access to the customer’s trading account, hold the client’s balance, take applicable legal actions against him, or return deposited funds to the customer by deducting all the fees incurred by the company as a result of this action.

In the event that such Chargeback request is received, the Company reserves the right to disable access to the Customer’s trading account, hold the client’s balance, take applicable legal actions against him or returning deposited funds to the Customer by deducting all the fees incurred to the company as a result of this action.



 – The Company reserves the right to add, change, or delete the whole or sections of this “Refund and Return Policy” at any time in order to make sure that the details included herein contains accurate and sufficient information about how CapitalCore manages Refunds, for our Customers and even potential Customers to take into consideration before they open an account with “Capitalcore”.