Daylight Saving Trading Schedule 2025

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  5. Daylight Saving Trading Schedule 2025

Dear traders,

Please be advised that on March 9, the United States will switch to daylight saving time, while Europe will transition on March 30.

From Monday, March 10, to Friday, March 28, the working hours of the dealing department will be adjusted as follows:

Trading starts: Monday at 00:00 (UTC+2)
Trading closes: Friday at 22:55 (UTC+2)

Additionally, market session timings (UTC+2) will change during this period for the following asset groups:

Metals: Open from 00:00 to 23:00 (Server Time)
Indices: Open and close one hour earlier(expect for UK100)
Stocks: Open from 15:45 to 21:55 (Server Time)

If you have any questions, our support team is available to assist you.

Capitacore LLC